Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 10th- Our First Day On Our Own!

We had our first day today without Ben by our side to coach us through the feeding. Overall it was a good day. We made our ounce mark each feeding!!! We took a bit more time with the feedings but Mya also had more refusal behavior since Ben was not here. I feel like we are well on our way to getting on a plane and heading home and it feels great!!!! We are so ready to come home but definitely need to make sure we are ready feeding wise! We are hoping to head home on March 22nd!

Mya's drinking has been going great!!! We are going days at a time now with no little "burp vomits." It's amazing how she just drinks the milk now with no resistance! When my parents were here they just couldn't believe it!!! She just drinks the milk like every other kid on the block!!!

We are so proud of Mya it's unbelievable! We have seen a huge transformation in her since we have started therapy! She is finally outgrowing her winter clothes as well!! We have to finish the journey for several months to come but have already noticed Mya showing more interest in table foods that we are eating. She had several bites of yogurt the other day and some chicken this afternoon!!

Overall we had a great first day!!!!!


  1. Congratulations to all of you!! How wonderful it must be to see that light at the end of a very long tunnel! You're proud of Mya...I'm proud of all three of you! Keep doing what you're doing. You'll be home in no time.

  2. Go,Go,Go! Can you hear us cheer you are almost to the finish line. I can't wait to hear that Mya wanted your ice cream from the Sycamore or cookies from the fair. Sounds like you are doing great on your own, and Ben is there for support if you need it.
    Not too much longer....then HOME!

    John & Barb
